Photo 11: Introduction to Digital Imaging

Instructor: Sue Leith,                  Office Hours Monday 1 -2 MRP 2011


Navigating Photoshop CS2


Move Fish image from server Folder to your desktop. Open in Photoshop.


Go to Window > click on Actions    Window > click on Histogram     Window > click on Paragraph

You should now have all Photoshop palettes open.  Look at them, investigate them, and click on them: including side arrow for pop out menus.


Change stacking order of the palettes and change whatÕs linked with what by dragging the top, name.

Locate the palette dock in the top right of your screen.  Dock and un-dock palettes by dragging, Find the brushes, tool presets and layer comps, which should be in dock. Drag them out, move others in. Play around and mess up your workspace.


Click on the corner arrow of any palette; click dock to palette under side (small triangle) menu.

Click  ÒtabÓ on your keyboard to hide everything. Click tab again to bring everything back.

Click tab again while holding shift to hide all palettes except toolbox, click again.

Double click on the name or color at the top of each palette to minimize and maximize palettes.

Drag to move palettes around your desktop.

Drag palettes to the bottom of screen – minimize & open from there by double clicking the top.

After making a mess of all the palettes – go to Window> Workspace> Reset Palette Locations.


Click on red x in top corner to close each palette individually.


Now -Zoom in and out of FISH document using

            View > Zoom In   then   View > Zoom Out from the Menu Bar.

Use shortcuts (command +, command -) and (command 0—zero not letter o)

Double click on the hand tool, then command + several times, then double click on magnifier.

Open the navigation palette – if you canÕt find it, go to Window > Navigator.

Move the small slider in the bottom back and forth. What happens?

   Click inside the navigation palette and move the red square area around. What happens?

   Zoom in and out using View > zoom in/out

   Click on the mountain icons.

Go to View  - click on Fit on Screen: then click on Actual Pixels: then click on Print Size.

Command + to zoom way in on your image. 

Note how you can eventually see each individual pixel in the image.

Click on the hand tool in the toolbox, click in the image to move it around.

Click on any other tool, hold down the spacebar (while using any other tool) and you will get the hand tool again - move your image around the monitor. Let go of spacebar to return to your chosen tool.

Click on the magnifier tool – try marqueeing a certain area to zoom in. (Hold your mouse down while dragging to form shape around what you are trying to enlarge.)

Command 0 (thatÕs zero, not the letter o) to get back to fit screen mode.

Click on each of the 3 small icons (2nd from bottom in toolbox) to change your screen view. This works the same as typing the letter F. Try it (type the letter ÒFÓ 3 or 4 times. Watch what happens.)

Reset palettes to their default location again – Window > Workspace > Reset palettes

Click on each tool individually and note changes in the options bar at the top of your screen.

Hold your mouse over each tool to see the shortcut for that tool.

            Try a few shortcuts: Type the letters - M, L, J, W - etc and watch your tool change.

Save as on your desktop, and then drag into the drop box on the server.





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